The Leadership Machine takes the field
Or did it?
The day,
Our team consists of some diehard-loud mouth-smack talking-pre Madonna’s, none of which I could possibly identify with. We strutted our stuff on to the field looking pretty, as Christian Siriano would say- “Fierce.” Our shirts as white the Fruit of the Looms your grandpa wears, our attitude as positive as a 5 year old on his first day of kindergarten. We were going to win our first game and if we didn’t we were going to have one heck of a feedback session for our opponents.
Let’s quick do a run through of our competition. Park Tavern Rounders is the team- ex college jocks was their theme! The women had more testosterone then our whole team combined, the men- well lets just say they were manly men.
We were the home team, oh wait was it a
“Love it?”
We take the field. A chant comes over the crowd- Three up…Three down….three up….three down. Apparently this was easier to believe before the bottom of the first inning began. One…two…three…four…twelve runs in. Twelve up…twelve in…long enough for me to take a little disco nap and revive my spirit fingers.
We make it back in for the second inning. By the grace of one generous ump, he let us continue our royal beating. Oh, but friends we are just getting started. Next three batters up and by this time we are some Fierce Tranny messes ready to ZaZa Gabor this team!
A valiant effort was made by all; but the Leadership Machines fell short of chanting “We Are the Champions” by a Career Ambition to Innovation Management loss. (You’ll have to know our competencies to figure out the score).
Written by "George Clooney"